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Women golfers value electric trolleys ahead of new set of clubs

29 May 2023

Survey confirms female players prefer electric trolleys as method of transporting clubs

The majority of women golfers in the UK and Ireland who use a trolley as their preferred method  of getting around the course, put the value of the load-bearing transport method on a par with or  even ahead of investing in a new set of clubs. 

According to independent research* commissioned by the world’s leading trolley brand  Motocaddy, over two-thirds of lady golfers (69%) rate the convenient powered trolley as either a  similar investment to new sticks or an even better one for raising their game, of whom more  than one in five (21%) deem a trolley as the better purchase.  

The survey also found that almost nine out of ten women golfers (88%) claim to use a trolley as  their most frequent method to play golf, with electric trolleys being by far the most popular  choice among three-quarters (75%) of respondents. 

The overwhelming majority of women playing on a regular basis (98%) own an electric trolley,  while most (95%) claim to be either quite or very satisfied with their choice. Half also credit their  electric trolley with enabling them to play more golf and a similar number (49%) claim that  walking the course without the strain of carrying a bag is the single biggest benefit and a key  contributor to making golf more enjoyable.  

Having more energy to hit the ball and encountering fewer injuries are two other main reasons  cited as helping women golfers play better golf, while many also attribute a trolley’s ability to  help them carry more game improvement equipment (36%) and provide the opportunity to add  accessories (31%) – like a drink and umbrella holder, plus electric hand warmers that can be  attached to the trolley handle – as defining benefits to help their game. 

“We believe this to be the first in-depth survey among women golfers on the subject of powered  trolleys and helps us understand how, when and why they use trolleys and what features they  are looking for in future models,” said Motocaddy Marketing Director, Oliver Churcher. “The fact  that so many female golfers put an electric trolley alongside or even ahead of a new set of clubs  as an investment in their game shows how important it is for us to continue to innovate and add  value to our range of products for all golfers to benefit from the evident performance and health  benefits,” he added. 

In terms of comparisons between the sexes, the survey found that while 88% of male golfers  also prefer either an electric or push trolley to navigate the course, a smaller percentage of men  (63%) use an electric trolley (compared with 75% of women), but more men opt for using a  pushcart (25%). The vast majority of men and women golfers (95%) claim to be either quite or  very satisfied with their choices and 78% of male golfers are either very or quite likely to buy  another trolley in the future against 70% of females sharing the same sentiment. 

For more information about Motocaddy trolleys, bags, batteries and accessories, please visit  www.motocaddy.com or follow @MotocaddyGolf.  

*The research was conducted among British and Irish men and women golfers in July and August 2021  by leading sports research company Sporting Insights.  

For further information, please contact Adam Smith at Sports Impact  

on +44 (0)208 549 5500 or at or Oliver Churcher,  Marketing Director on +44 (0)1279 712371 or at